Removing Warts Using Radio Waves

Removing Warts Using Radio Waves

Removing warts using radio waves is a painless and efficient dermatological surgeon’s method of removing words from the skin or the mucous membrane. The intervention is done with local anesthesia and the patient can return to their everyday activities after the intervention.


Warts are benign skin growths caused by human papillomavirus. Considering it is a virus infection, it can be transferred to other parts of the body or someone else in immediate proximity, warts should be removed immediately after they have been noticed.


Wart Removal—Radio Waves

Anesthesia is applied before the intervention which makes the removal of the wart completely painless. The energy of the radio waves causes vaporization which eventually removes the wart. If the warts are smaller, there are no traces after the removal. If the warts are bigger, a small scab will remain after the removal. A couple of days later, the scab will fall off and leave a pinkish hue that will disappear a few days later and there will be no traces of the wart ever being there.


What Does Wart Removal Using Radio Waves Look Like?

The procedure itself is completely painless thanks to the local anesthetics. After the treatment is done, an antibiotic ointment is applied. For bigger warts, a plaster can be put over them and it can be removed the next day. The recovery is quick and all that is left is a scab that falls off in seven days and leaves the skin young and pink which later matures and the skin color is back to normal.


What to Do After the Wart Has Been Removed?

Usually, a couple of days after the intervention, an antibiotic ointment should be used after washing the region with soap. When this cab falls off, to make the redness go away quicker, regenerative creams can be used on the skin. During the recovery, it’s important not to touch the areas where the word has been removed. You should avoid dusty places, saunas, pools, and spas before the scab falls off. When the scab falls off, the young skin is quite sensitive to sun rays therefore when being exposed to the sun, it is necessary to use SPF 50 during the first two months


Are There Other Ways to Remove Warts?

Liquid nitrogen has previously been used to remove warts which causes them to freeze and fall off. Still, there are many faults to this method including significant damage to the surrounding tissue and scarring as well as the inability to treat deeply placed warts.


How Can We Prevent Warts?

Warts can be transmitted by shaking hands with the person that has warts or being in contact with surfaces that contain the virus. Although, for the virus to be transmitted, there have to be areas where the skin has been damaged such as scars or cracked skin etc. The main way to prevent it is to bandage the damaged areas, often wash your hands, and disinfect commonly used objects.


You can book your free consultation in Atlas General Hospital by calling 011/785 88 88 or 060/32 92 411 where you can learn more from our esthetic surgery specialists before the procedure.
