PRP Treatment

PRP Treatment

Our body has the power to regenerate it’s self and it’s skin. Stem cells do it every day and help the body regenerate itself throughout this procedure. That is why they are very important components in our body.

What is regenerative therapy?

The application of one’s own blood for the purpose of medical treatment has been a well known method for over a 100 years.

Regenerative therapy is a treatment that involves the use of the growth factor and stem cells that are found in your own blood (blood plasma). This aesthetic – medical intervention uses the power of platelets and growth factors in the blood to stimulate a stem cell response. Stem cells help the formation of new collagen and blood vessels, restore damaged skin, and erase the signs of aging.

blood plasma treatment

What is Platelet Plasma?

Platelet plasma is a blood centrifuge taken from a person who has decided upon this treatment. It has a high platelet count, in a small amount of blood plasma (1 million platelets per 1 cm cubic plasma). In addition to the trichomocytes, blood plasma also contains other growth factors (seven important factors), and a large number of stem cells.

Platelet enriched plasma has been used to rejuvenate the face since 2006. Regenerative therapy method is safe, and there is no possibility of having an allergic or other immunological responses because a patient’s own plasma is used.

Plasma, depending on what effect we want to achieve, can be applied superficially (softening fine lines and wrinkles, repairing skin texture, recovering the quality and appearance of the skin), or deeper (treating deep wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, volume replenishment).

What does regenerative treatment look like?

No special preparation is required for this method of rejuvenation. First, we take a blood sample from the client (about 10-20 ml), and take it to the laboratory. Then the blood is prepared (via centrifuged) and separated the liquid part of the blood (plasma) from the static part.

Plasma is then mixed with anesthetic, so the treatment is painless. It is injected with the smallest needles, consequently, there are no traces of the injection site and no possibility of scars.

This process stimulates the regeneration and tissue recovery in a natural way, reduces wrinkles and improves skin tone.

Regenerative therapy

Regenerative treatment is intended for:

  • Reduction of the lines between the eyebrows
  • smoothing out of wrinkles and eliminating “crow’s feet” around your eyes
  • filling out the nasolabial wrinkles on your face
  • eliminating wrinkles called by smoking around your lips and forehead
  • reducing, treating acne scars
  • rejuvenating skin on your hands, and other parts of the body
  • it is also useful in creating a facelift effect
  • stimulating skin growth
  • hair growth,
  • reduction of stretch marks, and cellulite
  • correction of bags and pouches found under and around the eyes

When are the first results of the treatment seen?

The first results are seen after 30 days, and the next treatment period it becomes better and with more pronounced effects. Every day you see and feel better effects of the treatment, so every second you have waited for the results to kick in pays off. The reason for this long wait is that it takes some time to encourage the natural processes of regeneration, which accelerate over time.

How long do the effects of regenerative treatment last?

Depending on skin quality, effects last about 18 months. Of course, this also depends on your life habits, and skin damage. It is not possible to accurately determine the duration of the effects, because it depends on a number of external factors that we cannot influence, but we can alleviate them.

Regenerative therapy

How much regenerative treatment is needed?

It is best to do a series of three treatments, at one month intervals. For maintenance it is necessary to do one treatment a year if you do not want to do the whole set of treatments again.


After the treatment, there may be some redness of the skin, small swelling and bruises that are transient (will last a few days).

Most clients return to their activities immediately.

The treatment lasts about 30 minutes.
