Lip augmentation-the most popular trend
„Beautiful women observe and respect only the phenomenon there are connected with them directly or indirectly and serve to their beauty and to those that they want or looking for”- Ivo Andrić
Beauty of woman can be nourished, conserved and brought to perfection. Lips speak much about the person if she’s cheerful, angry or sad. There are over ten, very fine lip muscles that takes part in lip movements. That makes lips very complex and very important for mimic. With aging lips are thinning at some degree, are loosing some of its volume and elasticity. Upper lip begins to go down, and lower comes into inverted position that is not particularly attractive. As result of aging, we get both thin lips, or significantly thinner than before.
It is ideal that both lips are full, plump and symmetrical, but lower should be slightly thicker than lower (golden ratio). How it is possible to have good result, you will hear from our plastic surgeon during first visit in Atlas Estetic.
Lip augmentation as trend in young and old
Many girls suffer because they have inborn thin or asymmetric lips that cannot be corrected with make up. With aging lips are thinner and additionally tissue around it becomes weak with fine wrinkles. Aging is not excuse for dissatisfaction with their own appearance, at least today patient don’t have to be dissatisfied. Number of men that decide to have lip augmentation is also increasing.

Types of interventions
In accordance with existing lip appearance, size, width, thickness, position of angles, wrinkles, muscle tone and appearance of skin, specialist, in agreement with patient, will choose technique and type of fillers that will inject. Beauty is question of measure, so one always have to have in mind that quantity of applied filler should be optimal.
In Atlas Estetic we use different types of material for lips enlargement:
– hyaluronic based synthetic fillers
– aqua filing gel
– patient’s own body fat
Hyaluronic fillers are hyaluronic acid in the form of gel of best world-renowned manufacturers. Hyaluronic fillers allow better hydration because they bind water and give lips a fresh and rosy look. The result is natural, and the lips appear refreshed and rejuvenated, as lines are softened and fined wrinkles around the lips.
Aquafiling gel is 98% composed of saline and 2% of cation copolyamide, it is harmless for the body and it is naturally and gradually absorbed. It is half durable filler that does not cause allergic reaction, it is soft and cannot be felt to touch.
Fat tissue are taken from other part of the body and is processed in laboratory procedure. It acts as filer and in great percent it remains in the place of application.
Lip enlargement- process of intervention
Intervention of lip enlargement is performed in local anesthesia and lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. Recovery is very quick and and is not complicated. After the intervention usually there are swellings that should be withdrawn in two to four days. Sometimes can be seen short termed bruises and itch. Effects are completely visible in about 2 weeks because it’s time when filers should be placed in lips.
Durability of results
Durability of results of lips enlargement depends on chosen filler and personal characteristics of the patient. The same amount of injected filler will not give the same results to each person. The effect of hyaluronic fillers is usually six to nine months, aquafiling gel for about five years, while fat tissue can be considered a permanent filler.
Expertise in the first place
An expert plastic surgeon knows the correct proportions of the face and the desired dimensions of the forehead, nose, chin, the gap between the eyes. So, it has an aesthetic experience, sees minor irregularities and knows techniques that can solve them in the best way. Lip enlargement is a very delicate intervention because of the possibility of creating granulomas and other irregularities, which sometimes need to be surgically removed. Lips enlargement will not be a bad experience, but it is necessary to contact the specialist of aesthetic surgery. All of our aesthetic surgeons are trained to work with all kind of filers and have years of experience. Atlas Aesthetics is at your disposal for all your questions.
Schedule your appointment on the phone: +381 11 785 88 88 or +381603292411