Aquafilling in cosmetic surgery
Aquafilling u estetskoj hirirgiji je proizvod koji hirurgu, a i pacijentu obezbedjuje sigurnost u radu.
The Atlas General Hospital hosted 20 plastic surgeons for several hours. They attended the workshop “Application of Aquafilling”.
The program “Aquafilling – safe filler for small and large volume” was led by Dr. Igor Smiljanić with his colleague Dr. Saša Mišeljić who presented the topic “Technique of application and results of Aquafilling”.
The theoretical part also found its practical application in the Atlas General Hospital operating room during breast augmentation with Aquafilling.
What is Aquafiling?

Aquafilling is the latest generation filler and a whole new product in our market.
It is a sterile hydrophilic gel fully biocompatible with the human organism.
It contains 98% saline and 2% cation copolyamide, which allows the gel to stay in the body for more than 5 years as it gradually degrades.
It is used for correction of existing asymmetries, breast enlargement, for small or relaxed buttocks, and for the thin legs. It is also usually applied to the region of the face, in the correction of deeper scars, correction of the cartilage and bone shape, and when lifting the volume.
Aquafiling has all certificates that guarantee the safety and quality of the product, and it is also registered with the Agency for Medicines of Serbia.
Workshop – Application of Aquafilling