Aesthetic surgery for stomach tightening

Aesthetic surgery for stomach tightening

The beautiful, tight and flat stomach makes the figure attractive, because the clothes are then most beautiful. The roundness  are more visible  and make the woman attractive and self confident.  Most women after a pregnancy have a problem with excess fat tissue in this region and therefore they feel less feminine and attractive.

stomach tightening

A simple procedure- abdomynoplasty easily resolves this problem, and there is liposuction so that the entire body is reshaped.

What is Abdominoplasty?

It is an operation that repairs abdominal muscles and skin to its original state, as before pregnancy or before getting too much body mass. This intervention tightens the relaxed muscles of the stomach, removes fat tissue and excess skin from the middle and lower part of the stomach. It is recommended for people who have a greater excess of fatty tissue on the stomach, relaxed and wrinkled skin and relaxed abdominal muscles. Such a stomach disfigures so the person often appears to be neglected. Abdominoplasty is popular in both sexes and has proven to be a very effective method of making body shape more beautiful.

Beautiful  stomach after pregnancy

Abdominoplasty is irreplaceable in women who have abdominal muscles stretched after pregnancy.  If  the patient remains with a few kilograms of excess after pregnancy, they are advised to lose weight first to the desired weight, and then undergo stomach tightening intervention.

If a woman opts for pregnancy again, the stomach tightening operation is not an obstacle. It is possible that the condition of the muscles and skin changes again, and a revision of the operation is desirable.

Surgical procedure for stomach tightening

During the first examination, the surgeon will evaluate the amount of fat and skin to be removed, as well as the condition of the complete organism. The stomach tightening operation lasts between two and three hours and is performed in general or local anesthesia.

The cut is low in the region covered by underwear or swimsuit. The cut is flat and faded after a year of surgery. The intervention begins with the separation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the muscles, which are tightened with special sutures that are later dissolved.

Then excess fat and skin is removed. After operation the wound is drained,  sutures  are removed after seven to ten days. Abdominoplasty surgery is most often combined with liposuction of the waist and other regions of the body. With this intervention it is possible to solve the appearance of the abdominal hernia so that surgery can have a health significance.

Recovery and results

After surgery, the patient usually remains in the hospital  up to two days, until surgical drain is removed. After that, the patient’s condition is monitored with check ups. A day after surgery, the patient should start physical activities moderately. During the first month of surgery, an elastic corset  must be worn that reduces the swelling and maintains the form obtained by surgery. In the first month, restraining of heavy physical activities and lifting of loads is necessary. The results are permanent if there is no drastic variation in weight and pregnancy after surgery.

Atlas Aesthetics is the leader in solving this type of aesthetic problems. Thanks to the large number of patients who show us confidence, we have gained a great  experience in all variations of aesthetic procedures and interventions. Having been practicing aesthetic surgery for twelve years, we have perfected all the methods we use in body shaping and anti-age interventions.

Patients can talk to us, we are  ready to listen to them patiently,  educate and give a precise professional opinion.

Atlas Aesthetics operates within the Atlas General Hospital, which is located in the heart of Belgrade. Schedule consultations with aesthetic surgeon and let yourself feel great in your skin!
