Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Breast reconstruction after cancer surgery is an intervention that can even be said to contribute to recovery. After breast removal (mastectomy), women often feel very bad  which loses one of the symbols of femininity. In addition to the pain and fear of disease return, there is also a feeling of body damage, which can cause depression and anxiety of the patient.

After breast removal, women considerably change their image of themselves as a sexual being, which badly affects the recovery process. A breast reconstruction operation allows women to feel good again in their body, regardless of the severity of the health problems left behind. By reconstruction of the breast we saved women of trauma that would have after physical change.

When breast reconstruction is performed?

Indications for breast reconstruction are the removal of a part or whole breast due to malignant tumors, inborn breast asymmetry and preventive mastectomy. The last, preventive mastectomy is performed when there is a determined genetic mutation in the genes that are proven to cause breast cancer.

Breast reconstruction

Usually, a family case of a person with this type of cancer is already known. Breast reconstruction operations are applied after the completed radiation therapy. This intervention does not interfere with future diagnosis or treatment. The reconstruction of the breast confirmed does not affect the recidive.

How is breast reconstruction performed?

Breast reconstruction can be done through the installation of silicone implants or with autologuos tissue (fats, muscles, skin). If it is possible to install the implants, the area under the skin sometimes has to be expanded using a tissue expander. If the breast is reconstructed by moving  own tissue, this is most often done from the surface of the lower abdomen or back.

In some cases, in the early stage of breast cancer, simultaneous mastectomy and breast reconstruction can be done. The operation carries certain risks, as is the case with other operations. These are complications in the form of the capsule formation around the prosthesis, infection and skin elastication above the implants. In some cases it is possible to preserve nipples and areola during mastectomy while in many cases it is impossible. The patient can have reconstruction of areola  by transplanting the skin from the other part of the body or suggesting tattooing.


Breast reconstruction operations are performed exclusively in general anesthesia. If the surgery is done through the installation of a silicone implant, it lasts for an hour and a half to two hours. If done with using autologuos  tissue, it lasts for several hours. Before surgery, detailed examinations and giving your anamnestic data are necessary. It is important to understand that each patient is unique and that breast reconstruction is done with each patient according to the needs and possibilities.

Recovery and effects of the operation

Recovery after a breast reconstruction operation lasts a month and two to two months. The recovery process is somewhat faster if silicone implants are used for breast reconstruction. In the first month it is necessary to refrain from physical efforts and bigger movements with hands. A feeling in a reconstructed breast can only be returned after a few years, but the difference in breast sensitivity is always there.

After one year of surgery, scars are fading and they start to have permanent form and mobility, so that the end result of the breast is noticeable. Atlas Aesthetics provides professional medical assistance, understanding and support for women who have met this terrible disease. Breast cancer requires special attention and experience in approach so that the patient can start to function normally. Our surgeons are top experts who are at your disposal for all questions and concerns about breast reconstruction.

Schedule the consultations with the surgeon on the phone: +381 11 785 88 88 and +381 60 329 24 11.
