
The aesthetic reduction and shaping of male breasts

Male breast reduction | Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlargement of the glandular tissue and excess fat in the breast area in men.

This condition can affect men of any age, weight, and height.

Gynecomastia usually appears on both breasts, but in some patients, it may be present only on one side.

A large number of male patients are affected by gynecomastia, and for the majority the cause is unknown. However, there are certain conditions that may worsen this issue.

The causes can be:

  • Obesity
  • Use of steroids or drug effect
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Hereditary factors

Atlas Esthetic offers aesthetic breast reduction in men, as a solution for patients with gynecomastia. Breast reduction in men involves liposuction or removal of excess fat in the chest area. The result is firmer, flatter and aesthetically sculpted male breasts.

Male breast reduction procedure includes removal of adipose and / or glandular tissue from the breast, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the chest.

Candidates for male breast reduction

The best candidates for male breast reduction are:

  • Healthy men
  • Normal/average weight men
  • Patients whose breast size cannot be reduced by other means
  • Patients who do not use drugs or steroids
  • Patients who have struggled with gynecomastia for a long time
  • Young people and adults who have physical difficulties or feel lack of confidence

Due to a large number of causes of gynecomastia, our experts will advise you and point out to some habits in life, that if changed can improve the appearance of your breasts in a natural way.

Overweight patients should first try to lose weight through exercise and a controlled diet. Certain drugs, such as anabolic steroids, can cause gynecomastia. Use of these substances should be discontinued before the surgical breast reduction.

Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Depending on the type and concentration of the breast tissue, our surgeons can use one of two techniques for male breast reduction.

The intervention is performed under general or local anesthesia.

In most cases, gynecomastia is caused by the excess fat deposits in the thoracic region. In such cases, even a simple liposuction can be the solution.

For enlarged breasts that are caused both by glandular tissue and fatty deposits, the surgical intervention includes removal of adipose and glandular tissue, contour and removal of excess fat with liposuction. The incisions are small and with appropriate postoperative care, they will eventually smooth out and fade until they are nearly invisible.

In severe cases of gynecomastia, along with excess fat and breast tissue, it is necessary to remove the excess skin left after the reduction. This kind of procedure requires additional incisions, often along the crease beneath the breast.

After the intervention

Shortly after the breast reduction procedure, the patient can be released home where he will begin recovery in the comfort of his surroundings.

A mild discomfort during the first few days of recovery is normal.

After the operation patients wear medical corsets which reduce swelling and help skin retraction. Corsets are usually worn between two to six weeks.
Bruises and swellings are present for one or two weeks after the intervention.

Patients usually get back to work within seven days after the operation.